Synthesis of new research reagents for academics R&D
Researchers of non-profit organizations represent an increasing fraction of customers using our synthesis services. Since ChiroBlock has been serving academics since its foundation in 1999, we know the special requirements of this customer group and are aware of the differences between these clients and those belonging to Pharma and Biotech.
Examples of academic synthesis challenges successfully tackled by ChiroBlock:
- A pharmaceutical department of a university in Eastern Europe was searching for 12 related reference substances (heterocycles, half of them already described and half unknown at this time; 1g each, purity > 98%).
- A public research institute in Germany was seeking a special compound for modifying electrodes and needed it within a fortnight.
- A research group at an Italian university ordered 5g of an amino acid with a confirmed ee of greater than 98%.
- A group at the Max-Planck-Institute wanted to improve the synthesis of a metabolite required for their research project.
- An American University was in need of special research compound, published in a patent. The compound was not commercially available from other vendors.
Academic projects are very often extremely challenging due to representing the forefront of scientific research. Therefore, it is a demanding business for a contract research company like ChiroBlock to provide high-quality custom synthesis services by solving such challenging tasks within the tight budget frames and the special regulatory requirements of public research funds.
ChiroBlock addresses these problems by providing special offers for this customer group, including the support of our marketing activities by client publications and co-operation or education agreements in return for discounts on our regular prices. So, on the one hand, the customers gain advantage of reduced costs, whereas on the other hand, ChiroBlock does not only benefit in terms of turnover and direct profits but also by increasing our (international) reputation and by the direct influx of cutting-edge know-how into our company.
As passionate researchers, we are always looking for challenging custom synthesis projects and support vibrant scientist-to-scientist information exchange. ChiroBlock has created a special process of handling enquiries of academics in order to meet the special requirements and the tight budgets of public researchers, which allows us to profitably deal with small projects priced at only 1.000 EUR up.
But contract research and synthesis for academics and public research institutes – isn’t this a contradiction in terms?
It definitely is not, since similarly to commercial businesses, non-profit research groups also strive to increase efficiency by focusing on their very core competencies. The above specialization is an answer to the increasing degree of competition and the need to deliver sound/profound results within shorter time frames and with limited financial and manpower resources, which, in turn, requires even stronger collaboration with complementary research groups as well as with commercial suppliers of services, devices, or reagents.
In the past, the outsourcing of academic synthetic tasks was hampered by numerous prejudices, with some common arguments of (mainly chemistry) scientists being as follows:
- “we synthesize our intermediates ourselves"
- "we do not have money to be spent on compounds"
- "we only buy substances from the usual suppliers"
- "making compounds is a good exercise for chemistry students"
- "our research programs are strictly confidential"
- "Custom synthesis? Isn't that something for academics to EARN money?"
During the last years, the attitudes have changed, especially for research groups working in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biotechnology, catalysis, new materials and nanotechnology. Top researchers cannot afford to waste time and manpower by synthesizing intermediates, and the number of chemistry students and PhDs willing and/or able to deal with ''simple'' organic syntheses is drastically decreasing. Leading research groups do have large budgets. "We invest heavily in sophisticated equipment. Why shouldn't we invest in high-quality substances?" Thus, academics have good reasons for buying compounds and focusing on their research.
We are definitely able to provide solutions to your problems. Simply contact us and take advantage of ChiroBlock's special conditions for academia.
our synthesis services at a glance